ManifestationsSSMIG Diagnostic Masterclass

SSMIG Diagnostic Masterclass 2024

La troisième Diagnostic Masterclass SSMIG sur le thème du «Diagnostic Reasoning» aura lieu les 7 et 8 novembre 2024 au Kursaal de Berne.

Après deux éditions couronnées de succès sous la direction des deux expert·e·s en diagnostic, le professeur Gurpreet Dhaliwal et la professeure Denise Connor de l’University of California San Francisco, la première «Swiss Edition» aura lieu en 2024 sous la houlette d’une équipe de plusieurs expert·e·s de Suisse alémanique et de Suisse romande.  

Ce format permet aux participant·e·s de perfectionner leurs compétences diagnostiques. Comme les années précédentes, l’accent est mis sur la pratique et l’interactivité. Dans le cadre d’exposés, d’exemples de cas concrets et de discussions de groupe, les participant·e·s acquièrent les outils nécessaires à l’intégration et à l’application du raisonnement diagnostique dans leur quotidien professionnel.  


>> Lien vers le programme préliminaire en pdf


S'inscrire maintenant!



Jeudi 7.11., 13.00 au vendredi 8.11., 14.00


Kursaal Berne


Networking Dinner, jeudi 7 novembre

Frais de cours:
(sans hébergement)

Membre SSMIG: CHF 350

Non membre: CHF 650 



- Nous recommandons ce cours au plus tôt un an avant l’obtention du titre de spécialiste.

- La Masterclass se déroulera en deux langues D/F (sans traduction). Les intervenant·e·s et les participant·e·s feront leur présentation et discuteront dans leur propre langue.

- L’événement est accrédité avec 8 crédits de formation continue essentielle.


Annulation d’inscription :

L’annulation est possible jusqu’au 7 octobre 2024. Le remboursement sera effectué déduction faite de 25% de frais de dossier et doit être faite par écrit à Après cette date, le remboursement des frais d’inscription ne sera plus possible.

Intervenant·e·s SSMIG Diagnostic Masterclass 2024

Prof. Dr. med. Carole Elodie Aubert, MSc

Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Leitende Ärztin, Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin Inselspital

She is pursuing a career as a clinical researcher with a special focus on quality of care, patient-centered care and reduction of overuse of care. She is particularly engaged with young physicians who want to gain research experience or start an academic career. She is co-director of the policlinic of GIM of the Inselspital.

Dr. med. David Gachoud, MEd

Médecine interne générale Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche clinique, Médecin associé, Service de médecine interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et Unité de pédagogie médicale Ecole de Médecine, Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine, Université de Lausanne
David Gachoud is a general internist working as a staff physician at the Lausanne University Hospital and a medical educator working at the Education Unit of the Lausanne School of Medicine. He obtained a Master of Education at the University of Toronto. He is engaged in clinical supervision, teaching and medical education research. His interests focus on reducing medical errors through better care processes and improved performance at both individual and team levels.


PD Dr. med. Stefan Markun

Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Oberarzt und Forschungsgruppenleiter, Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität und Universitätsspital Zürich

Stefan Markun is a researcher and teacher at the University Hospital Zurich and the ETH Zurich. He is highly engaged in teaching activities focusing on medical interviewing and methods of rationality in medicine, including diagnostic reasoning. Stefan Markun is the scientific group leader of the FIRE project, which uses routine data from Swiss general practice for health services research and to improve quality of care.

Dr. med. Matteo Monti, MME

Médecine interne générale,  Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche clinique, Médecin associé, Service de médecine interne, CHUV et Unité de pédagogie médicale Ecole de Médecine, Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine, Université de Lausanne

Matteo Monti is a general internist working as a staff physician at the Lausanne University Hospital and a medical educator working at the Education Unit of the Lausanne School of Medicine. He obtained a Master of Medical Education at the University of Bern. His research interests include Internal Medicine and Medical Education. He is particularly interested in clinical reasoning, cognitive errors, professional identity development, working environment, procedural skills and POCUS. He is deeply involved in direct teaching, clinical supervision and training, as well as in faculty training and the development and organization of teaching concepts and medical curriculum.

Prof. Dr. med. Mathieu Nendaz, MD, MHPE

Médecine interne FMH, Médecin Adjoint du Chef de Service, Service de médecine interne générale, HUG, Directeur, Unité de Développement et de Recherche en Education Médicale (UDREM) et Vice-doyen de la formation prégraduée, Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève

Mathieu Nendaz is an internist at the Geneva University Hospitals and trained in health professions education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is presently also Vice-dean for undergraduate education, Director of the Unit of Development and Research (UDREM), and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland. His research interests include Internal Medicine and Medical Education. In this field, he is particularly interested in decision-making, clinical reasoning, clinical supervision, and interprofessional issues. He is deeply involved in direct teaching, clinical supervision and training, as well as in faculty training and the development and organization of teaching concepts and medical curriculum.

Dr. med. Martin Perrig, MME

Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Chefarzt Bettenstation Universitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin Inselspital

He has been engaged for many years in the clinical education and training for General Internal Medicine. One of his main focus is providing and teaching high-quality, patient-centered, and evidence-based medicine. He has many years of experience in promoting talented and motivated resident and senior physicians. Co-editor of a guide for young senior physicians.

Dr. med. Christine Roten, MME Allgemeine Medizin

Spitalfachärztin I, Universitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin Inselspital

She is specialized in general internal medicine with certification in Clinical Emergency Medicine with extensive expertise in clinical education. She has a rich background in clinical teaching and medical research, particularly in internal medicine and physician education. Her work promotes improved diagnostic accuracy and enhanced physician well-being. She  is actively involved in teaching students and physicians at various stages of their education. She is the co-author of a guide for young senior physicians.


Votre contact pour les questions relative à la SSMIG Diagnostic Masterclass:
Tel. 031 370 40 14


>> SGAIM Diagnostic Masterclass 2023
>> SGAIM Diagnostic Masterclass 2022